Innovation and Sustainability a Focus for UK Lab Show
WITec Jubilee Celebrates 25 Years of Innovation
Chromatography Column Packs Support Protein Purification Workflows
Smart Laboratories - The Future of the Lab
Innovative Ultra-compact Czerny-Turner Spectrometer Showcasing at WWEM 2022
When changing from a Waters column to another brand like an Agilent Column, do you find changing the ferrules and tubing (to maintain data integrity) time consuming? If so, Microsolv Technology Corporation have a solution that can help, introducing the MicroSolv™ Direct Adaptive (Di-Ad™) HPLC Column Connectors. They make this process much faster and easier without fussing with ferrules and tubing between column changes.
These Direct Adaptive Fittings were designed for you to avoid poor column connections and eliminate extra system volume. The universal pilot length of this spring-loaded connector adapts to any HPLC column for quick column swaps and prevention of poor connections that cause peak broadening. Available as a Single End Fitting or a Double End Fitting. You just simply screw the Di-Ad™ fittings into the column and the tubing pilot length will automatically be adjusted.
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc has launched EconoFit Low-Pressure Prepacked Chromatography Column Packs to support resin screening experiments in the development...
Waters Otto SPEcialist Positive Pressure Manifold is a software-driven, semi-automated system that lets users program pressure profiles for more reliable and...
Streamline and add efficiency to pharmaceutical, life science, and analytical LC-MS workflows with Waters lab automation solutions. Andrew+™, the Pipetting...
DynamiQ-X NG2210 and NG2220: endless capabilities - extremely compact design The new gas analyser DynamiQ-X NG2210 from Sensirion provides fast and accura...
In This Edition Chromatography - Automated Sample Preparation:The Missing Hyphen to Hypernation - New Low Volume Air Sampler for PFAS Analysis - Analytical Intelligence Starts with the Samp...
ACS National Meeting & Expo, Fall 2022
Aug 21 2022 Chicago, IL, USA & Online
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